We are inspired by our core values, which we are dedicated to upholding both in ourselves and in our entrepreneurs.
We are excited to work
with entrepreneurs who are...
Innovative leaders who leverage business
to reshape industries
The embodiment of humility,
embracing diversity in opinion
Strive to continue developing, both as individuals,
and as leaders of organizations
Unwavering in the face of adversity
Excited to share their success with others
People of integrity,
a role model for future leaders
We invest in early stage B2B startup companies
Enterprise SaaS/Cloud
We are interested in startups accumulating client data across multiple domains to provide a holistic view of customer behavior, driving toward greater improvements in client services, sales, and marketing. By utilizing cloud services, startups are increasing visibility in a whole suite of previously labor-intensive business processes (HR, resource management, accounting, to name a few). The SaaS business model inevitably leads to the majority of processes being “in the cloud,” creating a need to manage cloud resources with greater efficiency and interoperability.
Having some of the largest financial institutions in Asia as our limited partners, we realized that the financial services industry continues to use legacy processes and tools, both internally and to serve their customers, leading to unnecessary costs and inefficiencies. We look for startups armed with cutting edge new technologies who can revamp the status-quo to disrupt every layer of the financial services stack.
DNX Ventures has been an active investor in disruptive technology/service we’d like to call, “Deeptech” since the firm's inception. DNX Ventures has a number of members and supporters with engineering backgrounds, including hardware engineers and people with experience in AI research and development. We are facing Deeptech startups. In Japan, Adacotech provides AIST's AI technology used for product inspection, ROMS creates new customer experiences for the retail industry with its core automation and robotics technologies of automated warehouses and robot arms, and Trajectory provides a control tower system for automated flying drones. We also invest in startups that connect hardware and software to solve industry issues. We will continue to focus on this area as a key area of investment.
With millennials getting into the economic wheel of society, they constitute new consumers and new decision-makers in organizational ladders. It is already clear millennials have much different buying needs and decision criteria than previous generations. Concurrently, new governmental compliance rules and regulations (state or federal) in the process will require significant organizational changes in environmental responsibility and accountability. Investors, government, auditors, and the general population have realized the environmental challenges are near-term issues that we all will have to face. We embrace the intensified urgency, and increase our pace and focus our lens on sustainability for enterprise. More specifically for DNX, this translates into seeking innovations where data and AI, as a service, can be used to serve enterprise sustainability challenges.
In addition to the technology areas mentioned above, we also invest in B2B startups in the software peripheral areas, such as SHIFT, which specializes in software quality assurance and testing, and TableCheck, which provides services and systems such as reservation and customer management for restaurants and online restaurant search and reservation portals.